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Dwelling Fire Insurance

Protecting Your Investment


Why do I Need Dwelling Fire Insurance?

Dwelling Fire Insurance is designed to insure residential property that you own or have a financial interest in, but do not live in. In these situations standard insurance protection is needed for the building but typically not for any contents or personal property. Liability insurance for the property can either be added or may be handled through alternative approaches.

Do You

  • Own a vacation home?

  • Own rental property?

We can help you find the best coverage options for your personal needs. We offer many options beyond standard coverage. If you need any help with the above questions - call us at 513-527-2200. Or view the FAQ’s below.

Dwelling Fire Insurance FAQ’s

Question #1

What's covered?

A basic dwelling fire policy covers Named Perils ONLY and is written on an actual cash value basis. These perils are listed on the actual policy. Optional coverage’s and replacement cost coverage can be added at an additional cost.

Question #2

Who Cover’s the renter’s contents?

The person(s) renting the dwelling (or apartment) should always purchase a tenant home insurance policy to protect their property inside the dwelling. Tenants believing their personal possessions are covered by the landlord’s dwelling insurance policy is a common insurance myth.


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